We are a voice for vibrant, culturally strong and sustainable Western Australian Art Centres

Our Mission

AACHWA works for and with WA Aboriginal Art Centres to celebrate the strength of our art and culture by:

Promoting: We are a strong voice for Art Centres.

Empowering: We encourage best practice, facilitate targeted training opportunities and encourage leadership within younger generations.

Connecting: We build strong networks with members and partners.


What we do


We provide training; professional development and business development services to WA art centres.


We are a strong voice for WA art centres; informing government and industry of their needs and ongoing value.


We help promote WA art centres to general public art buyers, art collectors, galleries and major institutions.

Act as a peak body

We work hard to act as a peak body organisation with robust operational and financial control over its present and future activities. 

Our Projects


We help plant the seed of knowledge, then we support its growth and spread across WA.


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