Donate to AACHWA
AACHWA works for and with Aboriginal art centres across Western Australia to promote, empower and connect artists and community. Donations directly assists in keeping art, culture and country strong.
As the peak body for Aboriginal art centres across Western Australia, AACHWA’s primary objective is to encourage sustainable growth and stability for our members.
We do this by providing a range of support services, including advocacy and promotion, human resources and operational advice, and professional development relevant to the environment art centres operate in regional and remote Australia.
Our services respond to the challenges facing art centres as they work to build creative and economic potential of their communities. Art centres operate in remote and regional locations and are vitally important to the community. Art centres are often one of the few ways to generate income, they engage youth and the elderly, and provide health and wellbeing benefits, as well as other general community services that if not for the art centre, would not exist.
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Every dollar donated will go towards the providing support to over 2000 artists from over 40 communities across over two million square kilometres.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Mr Woolagoodja, Wandjina Dreaming, 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 123 x 123cm. Image courtesy of Mowanjum Arts.