About Us

We work with WA Aboriginal Art Centres to celebrate the strength of our art and culture by Promoting, Empowering and Connecting.


Our History

AACHWA was originally established as a project department within Country Arts WA (now Regional Arts WA) in 2009. Six years later (in 2015) AACHWA became a stand-alone not-for-profit Aboriginal Corporation (registered under the CATSI Act 2006).

Since 2009 AACHWA has:
  • delivered a variety of skills and professional development programs for its member art centre staff, boards and artists
  • provided links to legal assistance, human resource advice and services for its art centre members in times of peak HR demand
  • acted as a representative voice for art centres to the wider arts sector and to funding bodies at all levels of government
  • acted as an effective conduit between art centres and funding bodies, the corporate sector, and government stakeholders.
AACHWA programs and services are currently helping WA art centres to:
  • stabilise their operations and remain steady in volatile conditions
  • improve certain skills of their core staff and/ or their artists
  • reach wider markets for their work
  • communicate with each other more effectively to encourage collaboration and cross-fertilisation of skills and knowledge.

Wimiya Woodley (left), CJ Lockyer and Joy Woodley (right) photographing Ngurra, Ngurrawanna Community, June 2024. Photograph by Sarah Landro. Image courtesy of Camera Story. 

Mission and Values

Our Vision

Be a strong voice for vibrant, culturally strong and sustainable Western Australian art centres

Our Mission

We work with WA Aboriginal Art Centres to celebrate the strength of our art and culture by:

Promoting: we are a strong voice for art centres

Empowering: we encourage best practice, facilitate targeted training opportunities and encourage leadership within younger generations

Connecting: we build strong networks with members and partners


Our Values

In this work we are guided by our priority values of Cultural maintenance;
Respect; Trust; Independence; Fairness and Equity and Collaboration.


Our Team

Chad Creighton

Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Rarp

Interim Operations Manager

Alexander Egloff

Projects Manager

Amy Barrett-Lennard

Interim Events and Programs Manager

Dani Carter

Project Manager

Amber Norrish

Projects Coordinator

Emily Coy

Projects Coordinator

Simone Johnston

Projects Coordinator

Katelyn Whitehurst

Projects Officer

Elizabeth Smith

Project Admin Officer

Ella McDonald

Design and Marketing Officer

Amanda Scoble

Finance Manager

Garth Hughes

Finance Officer


Our Board

Lynette Yu-Mackay

Nagula Jarndu Designs, Broome

Mark Smith

Deputy Chairperson
Yamaji Arts, Geraldton

John McLean

Independent Specialist

Maureen Baker

Member Director
Warakurna Art Centre, Warakurna Community

Nerida Martin

Member Director
Tjarlirli Art, Tjukurla Community

Wendy Warrie

Member Director
Cheeditha Art Group, Roebourne

Agnes Pigram

Member Director
Ingarlgalandij Arts and Culture Hub, Ardyaloon Community

Kimberley Swift

Non-member Director
Independent Specialist

Christina Araujo

Non-member Director
Independent Specialist
