12 Artists Engaged
45 Community Members Involved
4 Generations across several families
Facilitated by Jacky Chen & Nathan Gardiner

Recently, AACHWA staff and facilitators had the privilege of joining Tjarlirli Arts on an unforgettable 5-day Return to Country trip. Under a bright sun, 45 artists and their families—spanning four generations and ranging from 5 months to 91 years—gathered to share stories, paint, dig for honey ants, prepare and share food, and visit sacred sites.
Based at Walka homeland, south of Kaltukatjara (Docker River), we visited numerous sacred sites connected to the Kungka Kutjara (two sisters), Kungkarangkalpa (seven sisters), and Tjala (honey ant) Tjukurrpa. Over the week, the tidji (children) and artists participated in creative activities led by Nathan Gardiner, while the elders painted and shared stories over cuppas with facilitator Jacky Cheng. Three large collaborative canvases were completed, each depicting important stories of Country.
The trip supported Traditional Owners and Elders in sharing their cultural knowledge and stories of place and Country with their children and grandchildren. For many it marked the first time, in a long time that they were able to return to their homelands and birthplaces with their families. Other highlights included an exciting honey ant expedition led by Elder Mary Gibson and a special visit with Pastor Roy to his birthplace, surrounded by his family.
Thank you to Tjarlirli Arts and everyone involved for inviting us to be part of this incredible trip.
Our Country Moves aims to strengthen the network of art centres across WA with targeted support across management, governance, training and creating new employment opportunities through art centres and art making.