Digital Art Workshops with Juluwarlu Art Group | Jun 2024


16 Artists Engaged

Facilitated by Illustrator Anna Fredriksson and Photographer Sarah Landro

AACHWA staff, along with digital illustrator Anna Fredriksson and photographer Sarah Landro Sarah Landro, visited Ngurrawanna Community in June 2024 for an amazing 5-day camp, delivering a digital art skills workshop with Juluwarlu Art Group.⁠

Having recently moved their art centre back to Ngurrawanna Community on Yindjibarndi Country, and with language and archiving at the heart of Juluwarlu’s work, this workshop was essential in engaging and upskilling young people in digital art, empowering them to contribute to preserving and sharing Yindjibarndi culture and stories.⁠

In was a highlight to see sixteen artists, ranging from 5 to 70 years old, embracing tools like Procreate and advanced manual camera functions! The one-on-one mentoring ensured the training met each artist’s unique needs and aspirations.⁠

Thank you to all those involved and to Juluwarlu for having us. We can’t wait to see what comes next for this talented group! 

Our Country Moves aims to strengthen the network of art centres across WA with targeted support across management, governance, training and creating new employment opportunities through art centres and art making.
