Nagula Jarndu Ceramics Workshop | Nov 2024


XX Artists Engaged

X Art Centres

Facilitated by Tanya Lee

In November, artists from Nagula Jarndu Designs took part in a ceramics workshop facilitated by North Regional TAFE lecturer and ceramicist, Tanya Lee. The group of artists explored different ways to use clay to sculpt and form 3-dimensional physical artworks and products across the six-day workshop in Rubibi (Broome) on Yawuru Country. 

The artists focused on ceramic techniques and skills including hand sculpting, slab building, glazing and the operational practices when using a kiln to fire pieces.

While the workshop was facilitated by Tanya Lee from the North Regional TAFE, this meant that the artists that took part walked away with a Certificate 2 in visual art ceramics! 

Thank you to Nagula Jarndu Designs for hosting us and Tanya Lee for her expertise! 

Our Country Moves aims to strengthen the network of art centres across WA with targeted support across management, governance, training and creating new employment opportunities through art centres and art making.
